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My Annual Health Update

June 17, 2013

How time flies when you’re busy! It’s been way too long since I’ve written a proper post here, so it’s time for an update on what and how I’m doing these days.

First of all, the big question: How is my health? Any problems? Any mercury symptoms creeping back in?

Nope, no problems at all. I am very happy to say that I am disgustingly healthy. I had a bit of a cough last week, that’s all I have to report in the sickness department. I have tons of energy, a clear head, zero emotional weirdness. It’s all good. I eat gluten pretty regularly, not every day, but plenty often enough to know that it has no effect on me now. My new favorite food is croissants. Croissants are heaven 🙂

As for my diet in general, I’ve been pretty much doing the Blood Type Diet that I wrote about here. I guess at this point, I could freestyle it when it comes to what I eat, but with everything I’ve learned, it seems kind of dumb not to optimize my health. Being on this diet makes me feel great, I love it. Plus I’m not very strict about it, so it’s not like I don’t get to eat trash every now and then. The only thing that’s still verboten is sugar. And I’ve been sugar free for so many years now, I don’t even miss it. Given my secretor status, I should probably never have been a sugar eater in the first place. Living without it is just the way things are meant to be for me.

Am I chelating these days?

Yes! I just finished Round 94 yesterday. I realize that I have been very lazy about chelation. After I finished the bulk of my recovery and stopped chelating regularly back in 2009, I never really got back into the swing of it. I’ve had whole years go by where I haven’t chelated at all. That’s just not cool. Given how seriously mercury toxic I was, it only makes sense for me to do my maintenance. And so I’ve gotten back in the saddle this year. The key for me this time around is taking it very easy. I only do a round once a month or so, and have cut my dose radically–from 100mg of ALA to 25mg. This makes the whole thing no big deal, and something I can do regularly for the rest of my life if I choose to. On this low dose, I don’t feel any effects from the chelator, don’t have any redistribution, so it’s easy as pie. And I take my supplements too, all the good stuff like Vitamin C, magnesium, Milk Thistle, probiotics, omega 3s to support me as I detox.

What else is going on?

Well, I’ve been having lots of fun musically. My latest adventure has been learning to play the drums. That has been fantastically wild fun. I’ve been taking lessons and practicing every day, and it’s so energizing and cool. I’ve also been singing and writing songs. Next week I’m going to be very brave and sing a song I wrote at a songwriter’s open mic that just started up in town. Wish me luck!

On the work front, I’ve been absorbed by the Enneagram teacher training program I’m completing. It’s kind of awesome to find something that fascinates me so completely at the ripe old age of 38. Nothing I’ve studied before has grabbed me like this, and I’m so glad that I have the brainpower and energy to throw myself at it completely.

Since I can’t help myself and just have to keep writing books, I’ve already gone and written my first book about the Enneagram. It goes on sale this week. It’s a collaboration with my friend Kelly Kingman who is a graphic recorder and illustrator. I wrote the words and she created the images for a simple and visually rich introduction to the Enneagram.

VEcover_3 for kindle

I am extremely proud of this little book, and know it won’t be the last thing I’ll ever write about the Enneagram.

So what’s next?

New horizons beckon. At this point, I feel that my work in the mercury toxic world is done. I haven’t been sick for years. I’ve forgotten what it even feels like to be sick. New people are rising up all over the internet writing blogs and providing support who are far more plugged into this world than I am. I feel very good about taking a step back, passing the torch on to those who are at the front lines of this issue.

So I won’t be posting here again with any frequency. Looking back over these two years of blogging, plus the years of sickness and detox that went before, I feel so grateful to all of the people I encountered on my road to health. Writers like Andy Cutler and Hal Huggins who pointed the way, all the people who set up websites and moderated forums so that I could find stories I could identify with and figure out what the hell was happening to me. All of my fellow mercury sufferers who offered support and advice online when there was no one in my life who could help me.

And then of course, all of my readers who bought my book and sent me such wonderful emails in response. It felt like a real risk to put my very personal story out there in the world, and getting constant feedback from people, letting me know how much it helped them, well that was just the best part. I feel honored to have been able to help such a brave posse of hardcore detoxers, whatever small part I got to play.

And of course the cherry on top of the sundae was getting to edit and publish Danny’s book The Mercury Diaries. Talk about a hardcore detoxer! I think he wins the prize there 🙂 He inspired me all through my own detox journey and I’m so glad his book is out there so that he can continue to inspire people all over the world for years to come.

Okay, well that’s the end of my Oscar acceptance speech 🙂 My heart feels very full as I walk away from this work and officially embark on the next leg of my journey as an Enneagram explorer. I wish you all the best, best of health. I hope you find all of the answers you are looking for, and that your recovery is as smooth and speedy as it can possibly be!

Good luck!

9 Comments leave one →
  1. June 17, 2013 5:43 pm

    Brilliant! Glad to hear you’re going from strength to strength! Maybe on next year’s update I’ll have some happier news 😉

  2. Tara permalink
    June 18, 2013 3:18 pm

    Congrats, Aine! Thanks for taking the time to update us; it is very encouraging news! It’s incredible to hear that you remain virtually symptom free. I’m halfway to where you’re now at (47 Rounds), and I’d be elated if I was even close to being ‘healthy’ another year from now. Impressive!

    A couple things I’m wondering… Do you think your symptoms would be too great if you went back to 100 mg of ALA? And what sort of reactions do you get if you eat sugar? I’m curious about the type and severity, if they’re manageable or still miserable…

    Anyway, thanks again for the update and for bringing light and hope to those of us still on this journey. I have thought of you many a times in relatable, chelating moments, reassured to know someone has gone before me, and has successfully emerged on the other side 😉

    • June 19, 2013 10:45 am

      Thanks, Tara!

      What happens if I eat sugar? Not much, I get a non-itchy fungal rash on my chest that looks like pale freckles. It’s called tinea versicolor and really isn’t any kind of big deal, I’m just a perfectionist when it comes to my health and don’t like to have any symptoms at all if I can control them.

      I have taken 100mg of ALA in recent times, and it really doesn’t have a huge effect, it just makes me feel a little spaced-out while on round. Again, I’m at a point where I don’t see the need to have any symptoms at all, so I opted for 25mg.

      • June 19, 2013 12:53 pm

        That all sounds great to me! I, too, see that I will be a perfectionist when it comes to eliminating all possible symptoms. When we have the information and the ability, why would we not want to continue? Especially when it seems quite painless to do so. 25 mg at this point sounds like the clear-cut path to proceed for you. I’m eager to get to that place myself, and again, very greatful and encouraged to hear of your recovery. Enjoy the health you’ve earned!

  3. Jeff permalink
    August 14, 2013 1:15 pm

    Aine, I just wanted to say I’ve followed your story and read your book. You helped save my life. I’ve been on DMPS for 4 months and I have a life back. I can exercise, work, be socialable, and I am happy! If I do have a symptom surge up, it’s easier to brush it away mentally because of full recovery stories like yours. I start the main mercury medicine, ALA, in the coming weeks – so it’s just a matter of time before my mercury story is finished like yours. I can’t thank you enough for writing your book and saving me valuable time and money. I went out to see Julie Anderson in Seattle lik you mentioned in your book, and started DMPS. I went to Mayo Clinic months later to get a 2nd opinion, and their diagnosis – Mercury Poisoning! What a long strange trip it’s been…here’s to moving forward and becoming cured soon. Thanks again, Jeff.

    • August 14, 2013 7:22 pm

      Jeff, I’m so glad to hear that you’re doing great! I wrote my book exactly for this reason, to save people like you time and money so you can cut to the chase and get treatment that works right from the start 🙂 I hope your ALA chelation journey is smooth sailing. Drop by again some time and let us know how it went! 🙂 Aine

  4. dawnhosking permalink
    August 31, 2013 4:02 am

    Brilliant 🙂

  5. December 26, 2013 6:30 pm

    When you say 94 rounds – I’m wondering if it’s 94 rounds in total, or 94 rounds with ALA? I just finished up 52 rounds with ALA, and 66 rounds in total and I’m still nowhere near regaining my health back. I recently switched from DMSA to DMPS in a hope it change things up and upped my dose from 50mg of ALA to 100mg. The rounds are easier to tolerate with DMPS I think, but my health is still so horribly wrong.

    I remember initially reading your book and feeling hopeful. I acknowledged that while you were still somewhat ill by the end of the book, you had made a lot of progress. Unfortunately for me, progress is a word that doesn’t exist for me. As each round passes, and no progress made – I get less and less hopeful.

    Every health problem I had when I began chelation, I still have. Who knows – maybe another 20 rounds of chelation, I’ll see a difference. Maybe the DMSA is inefficient and it’s going to take the DMPS to make the difference. I just don’t know.

    I’m so deeply depressed by my lack of progress. But I see the progress you made, along with another story I read leads me to believe that the Cutler protocol is functional. If chelation fails, I have nowhere else to turn.

    What is it going to take to get me back on track? I don’t think I can do another year of this without something to show for it. I’ve been chelating for 2 and a half years. And nothing.

    • December 28, 2013 6:52 pm

      Sean, I have sent you a private message responding to this, check your email…

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